I am a retired librarian living in Harrogate with my husband Jim, and our dog, Beth. I have always had a love of books and writing and my other main interests are fell running and walking the dog.

I am a retired librarian living in Harrogate with my husband Jim, and our dog, Beth. I have always had a love of books and writing and my other main interests are fell running and walking the dog. I always took life for granted until August 1992, when I was admitted to Leeds General Infirmary after collapsing with a brain haemorrhage, and being told by a doctor that I would never walk to the end of the street never mind run again. Luckily I made a full recovery but his words still stay with me every time I run. I now live life to the full and each day is such a joy just to be here. Therefore, to write and run is an exceptional privilege to me, which I will never again take for granted. I will always feel tremendous gratitude towards the consultant neurologist and doctor who helped me back to full and complete health with balloon embolisation, which then was a groundbreaking operation.
Since retirement I have had more time to develop my writing and have recently completed an on-line certificate of Creative Writing through York University. This introduced me to different disciplines of writing, which I hope to continue to pursue in the future.