Janice Sampson, a Sheffield born Actor & writer, veteran of stage & screen and the qwerty keyboard. Having read a particularly dreadful book in 1994, I said I was sure I could do better so, I got my pen & paper out, rolled my sleeves up and wrote my first story.

Janice Sampson, a Sheffield born Actor & writer, veteran of stage and screen and the qwerty keyboard.
Having read a particularly dreadful book in 1994, I said I was sure I could do better so, I got my pen and paper out, rolled my sleeves up and wrote my first story. I have written ever since; I can’t imagine not writing to be honest. Starting in longhand and stories, to my first P.C. the internet and teaching myself to write scripts, I’ve sent off hundreds – mostly rejected but with encouragement. Writing led me into acting and the stage which led me into writing plays, I have been fortunate enough to professionally stage two of my comedy’s: ‘Bill’ and ‘Albert’ at The Lantern Theatre in Sheffield. Recently I have been involved with writing and performing in a television sitcom which we’re hoping to get backing for. But, I have never written for the Radio. I am sure it is a completely different fish and will need a whole new set of skills; I cannot wait to get started. Learning is what life is all about and I for one embrace the opportunity to do just that.